
5 of The Top Reasons That Doctors Quit Their Jobs

Doctor Deciding to Quit

We’ve all heard the term “The Great Resignation.” In May of last year, Texas A&M University organizational psychologist Anthony Klotz cited COVID-19 as causing workers to consider whether their jobs made them happy or gave them a sense of purpose. He called it the “pandemic epiphany.” I’m fairly certain that while this may be the […]

Ep #267: How to Tap Into Innovation

EntreMD with Dr. Una | How to Tap Into Innovation

There’s one thing I’ve learned and leveraged for years that has helped me become one of the most impactful and profitable businesses in this industry. It’s what the ultra-successful know is a game-changing superpower in business, and that is the skill of tapping into innovation. Contrary to popular belief, innovation isn’t always about doing something […]

States and Countries: Where Do Doctors Earn The Most Money?

Team of Doctors

Now that we’re nearing the end of 2022, I thought we could look at which U.S. states and countries are paying their physicians the most. The International Monetary Fund released their world economic outlook update in July and titled it “Gloomy and More Uncertain.” In a nutshell, global inflation is up because of the uptick […]

Ep #265: What to Do When Business is Slow

EntreMD with Dr. Una | What to Do When Business is Slow

As an entrepreneur, there are going to be times when business is slow. For instance, maybe you’re in private practice and there’s a pandemic. You still have a mortgage to pay, staff on the books, and bills coming in. So, how do you keep things moving when business is slow? There are so many cycles […]

What is a Physician Coach and How Can You Become One?

A Physician Coach

Coaching has been around since the beginning of time. For millennia, the more experienced demonstrated and taught, the less experienced tried and learned. Ancient Greek athletes were supported by former champions of the same sport while they practiced. The University of Oxford used the word “coach” as early as the 1830s to refer to a […]

How Doctors Can Earn Money Reviewing Health Insurance Claims

Doctor Reviewing Insurance Claim

There’s a great (and growing) demand for physicians who can review health insurance claims in the United States. As more people can afford health insurance, the country started to see a rise in the number of times claims were denied by an insurance company. Individual states began to pass legislation that forced the insurance companies […]

How to Become a Medical-Legal Consultant as a Part-Time Gig

A Medical Legal Consultant

Although the general public may not understand why on earth a physician would want to have a part-time gig, as an entrepreneurially-minded doctor, it makes perfect sense. No matter what your motivation (contributing to your retirement if you started saving later in life, funding a particular goal, paying down debt, transitioning to a second-stage career, […]