14 Remote Work-From-Home Job Options for Doctors in 2023

A Doctor Working From Home

While people are no longer mandated to work from home the way they were during the pandemic, research shows that: As to the benefits of working remotely, many feel that they’ll enjoy a better work-life balance, experience more productivity, and are “highly engaged” in their work.  It’s not all good news, though. It can be […]

Huge List of 50+ Non-Clinical Jobs for Doctors and Physicians

A Doctor Working in a Non-Clinical Job

A growing number of doctors and physicians are considering leaving the field or considering leaving their practices. Burnout is not a new story for the medical profession, but since the pandemic, physician burnout rates spiked to an all-time high by the end of 2021. The AMA has developed an AMA Recovery Plan for America’s Physicians […]

Our Favorite Inspirational Quotes for Doctors & Physicians

An Inspired Doctor

The last several years have been incredibly hard on doctors and physicians, as the pandemic has caused an increase in physician burnout, financial stressors for healthcare physicians, and a shortage of doctors and physicians. Doctors and physicians have certainly had to face many unique challenges over the past several years, and it has taken a […]

10 of The Best Podcasts For Doctors and Physicians in 2023

A Podcast for Doctors and Physicians

Talk to almost anyone these days about podcasting, and you’re sure to hear, “I love listening to podcasts! My favorites are….” Rewind just over ten ago, and it was a different story. Only 22% of the adult population was even aware of podcasting. Last year, almost 80% of Americans were familiar with the term, with […]

Career Change Guide: How Much Do Doctors on Cruise Ships Make?

A Cruise Ship Doctor With a Patient

Cruise ships have long been a popular form of vacation and relaxation for those who love the open sea and visiting exotic ports of call. In recent years, this multi-billion dollar industry has grown significantly, with more and more people taking advantage of these leisurely oceanic journeys.  In 2019, there were an estimated 24 million […]

15 Example Career Choices in The Field of Functional Medicine

A Healthcare Professional in Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that seeks to identify and address the underlying causes of disease by focusing on assessing and treating the body as a whole rather than on individual organs or systems. It also emphasizes preventive measures such as lifestyle modification, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and dietary supplementation to support optimal […]

FAQ: When Does a Junior Doctor Become a Senior Resident?

A Junior Doctor With a Senior Resident

If you’re a medical professional, you may have heard the terms “junior resident” and “senior resident” but not understand what they mean. What are the differences between junior and senior residents, what qualifications do you need to become a senior resident, and what is the role of senior residents in the medical field? The time […]

What is The Average Salary for a Dermatologist in The U.S.?

A Dermatologist Treating a Patient

The Global Burden of Disease Project reported that having some type of skin condition is the “fourth leading cause of non-fatal disease burden worldwide.” Some 1.9 billion people are affected by a skin condition that causes them to visit a dermatologist. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) estimates that one in three Americans see a […]

Self-Care For Physicians: 8 Tips and Healthy Habits to Practice

A Positive-Minded Physician

Have you noticed how compound words that start with “self” float around our daily lexicon? Self-determination, self-esteem, self-assurance, self-examination, self-image, and self-love, to name a few. This year, the World Health Organization declared the 24th of June until the 24th of July as Self-Care Month, with July 24th chosen as Self-Care Day. WHO defines self-care […]

To Quit or Not To Quit Residency: 4 Things You Should Know

A Medical Resident

“I started residency with a lot of motivation, but now I just feel jaded. I hate days off because they end, and I end up legitimately crying before going back to work. I’m an internal medicine resident, and I realized I hate how medicine is practiced. I love the material and the actual medicine. I […]