Turn your medical experience into

a profitable, passion based business that gives you time, freedom, and a deep sense of purpose.

Create multiple streams of income with simplicity.

EntreMD Business School

The EntreMD Business School is designed to give you the business education you didn’t receive during your medical training, that you NEED for real world success.

Whether you are employed, own a practice, or have started a non-clinical business, this school will give you the tools you need to grow your business to 6 and 7-figures while serving at the highest levels.

The EntreMD Business School isn’t for dabblers. This is for the physicians out there committed to next-level success.

1:1 Consulting

If you are already running a business and have made at least $100k in yearly revenue, but want to scale to 7-figures over the course of a year,
I have a handful of 1:1 consulting spots to help you scale.

This is a highly customized process, that will help you focus on your specific goals, with strategy and accountability to make them happen.