
The EntreMD Podcast

In this episode of The EntreMD Podcast, we’re going to UNLEARN rather than learn.

Physicians are service-oriented by nature. But we MUST unlearn the concept of serving for free. And this is not so we can live a lavish lifestyle but because earning is critical to keeping our businesses open! 

So if you’re connecting the dots here, you’re seeing you must earn to continue to serve. If you truly want to continue serving patients or clients—and more patients and clients!—it’s essential to your business’ survival to get paid. 

Stop working for free. 

You might think you’re not working for free, but it’s time to take a good, hard look. 

For example, you’re working for free if you don’t require pay at the time of service. (Billing later doesn’t work and requires time and money spent to follow up.) 

You’re working for free if your client paid for a 5-session package and you’re throwing in some extra sessions just because. 

You’re working for free if you have a DPC practice and make yourself available all the time. Your time is worth A LOT,  and they’re getting it for nothing!

Every minute spent working for free is time taken away from family, personal growth, and self-care. Physicians must consider the opportunity cost of working for free.

Working for free is expensive and prevents business growth and financial freedom. Physicians, we must stop working for free and start owning our value as physician entrepreneurs.

More from me:

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EntreMD Business School – https://www.entremd.com/business

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