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Why Are So Many Doctors Unhappy With Their Jobs?

It’s hardly a secret that statistics show soaring rates of job dissatisfaction and burnout among physicians, doctors, and other healthcare professionals. Add a global pandemic to already high levels of this dissatisfaction and burnout, and no wonder many of us are struggling. A recent sourced article said few doctors would currently recommend a career in […]

Ep #193: How to Dominate Your Market

So, you’ve started your business and you have this amazing service. Maybe you’re in private practice, you’re a coach, you’ve launched a product, you’re creating content, and you want to get the message out there. Well, the next step is you have to dominate your market and be the go-to person for whatever it is […]

8 Alternative Career Ideas for Burned-Out Physicians and Doctors

According to the Medical Economic Journal, published on Sept 21, 2021, four out of five physicians say they are burned out. The headline reads, “Physician burnout….has reached a crisis point.” That’s not surprising. And I’m not surprised that things still aren’t better in the second month of this new year. Doctors are experiencing burnout, loss of […]

Ep #191: 3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make Every Day

There are three mistakes that entrepreneurs make every single day. However, I bet they’re not what you’re expecting. Every entrepreneur makes these mistakes at some point, at least in some proportion. I’ve made these mistakes myself countless times, but I’ve renewed my commitment to stop, and you should too. We all have the same 24 […]

Ep #189: How I Handle Comparisons and FOMO

The EntreMD Podcast with Dr. Una | How I Handle Comparisons and FOMO

Are you making decisions with intention, or from a place of FOMO and comparison? I see entrepreneurs struggling with this all the time, and it’s a losing strategy to make your business decisions based on what others are doing. In my own entrepreneurial journey, I’ve take four steps to counteract the FOMO and comparison. These […]

Ep #187: 3 Ways to Increase Your Business Revenue This Week

One question I always ask my clients is, “What’s one revenue-generating thing you’re doing today that’s going to grow your business?” And invariably, I’d get answers that are not necessarily revenue-generating things, like tweaking a website, designing a workbook, and stuff like that. Now, while these are all important things that need doing, we need […]

Ep #185: Make a 3 Month Content Calendar in 60 Minutes

One thing that new entrepreneurs struggle with the most is creating content. So today, we’re demystifying this process, and by the end of this episode, the idea of creating content will no longer feel like an anxiety-inducing burden and you can embrace your role as a creator. As physicians, we are content-creating machines. We have […]

Ep #183: The Cavalry is Here!

There’s a lot of stuff going on in the medical space. I was reading an article recently that showed that four out of five physicians are currently experiencing burnout. Now, that’s a lot of doctors. This is an epidemic. So, if you are one of the 800,000 doctors feeling the strain, I want you to […]

Ep #181: 5 Reasons Why Vision Boards Don’t Work

What comes to mind when you hear the words vision board? If you’re thinking, “I’m not artsy or crafty and this all seems a little woo-woo…” well, I’m right there with you. When I first heard about them, drawing and looking for pictures just wasn’t my thing. But I’d read so much about the power […]

Ep #179: How to Create Something Out of Nothing

Yesterday, I was working on an amazing project with the EntreMD Business School. We’re creating a collaborative book, with contributions from all the members, and I finally got everything in order and it’s really taking shape. When I looked at it all put together, I almost cried because two months ago, this was just an […]