Why Are So Many Doctors Unhappy With Their Jobs?

It’s hardly a secret that statistics show soaring rates of job dissatisfaction and burnout among physicians, doctors, and other healthcare professionals. Add a global pandemic to already high levels of this dissatisfaction and burnout, and no wonder many of us are struggling. A recent sourced article said few doctors would currently recommend a career in […]

8 Alternative Career Ideas for Burned-Out Physicians and Doctors

According to the Medical Economic Journal, published on Sept 21, 2021, four out of five physicians say they are burned out. The headline reads, “Physician burnout….has reached a crisis point.” That’s not surprising. And I’m not surprised that things still aren’t better in the second month of this new year. Doctors are experiencing burnout, loss of […]

You are not on vacation

It isn’t often that I rant. That said, now and then everyone encounters something that can only be addressed with a good old fashioned rant, and that’s what is happening today.  It all started with a conversation I had with a friend who also happens to be an entrepreneur. Naturally, since we are currently in […]

You’re not there yet

I remember graduating from residency in 2008. I was finally done! I had paid the price for over a decade and didn’t have to study intensely anymore FOREVER. I gave high school my all to make into a great medical school. I gave medical school my absolute best shot so I could get into a […]

Think you can’t be an entrepreneur? Think again!

One of the reasons a lot of doctors I talk to do not want to start businesses is because they are insecure. ‘I don’t have any experience in business.’ ‘I don’t have an MBA.’ I can’t do what that entrepreneur over there is doing.’ I don’t know where I will find the time.’ What if […]

3 ways to attend conferences like a boss

I’m at a conference and like many of you, I would usually ask myself,  “What is the best use of my time here? How do I get the most out of this conference?  I left my family at home, paid for the conference registration, plane tickets and a hotel room. How do I get the […]

Your dreams are valid

I remember starting my practice nine years ago. I was filled with feelings of inadequacy.  I felt others could own thriving practices and I couldn’t. I felt others had what it took but I didn’t. I felt the dreams of others were valid but mine wasn’t!  That practice, Ivy League Pediatrics has gone on to […]

When it hurts to be an entrepreneur

Starting my medical practice was one of the most exciting and most nerve racking time of my life. It was exciting because I was doing something that I did not realize was possible for me. I was building a state-of-the-art pediatric practice that was profitable. It was nerve racking because with entrepreneurship comes a lot […]

My best April Fool’s Day ever

On April Fool’s Day eleven years ago, I had the most memorable experience. It was so amazing that two days later, I sat down to write about it. Here it is. From 04/03/2008 – The story of Cheta We are very excited about the arrival of our daughter Chetachukwu and we know that you are happy […]

What Every Doctor Should Learn from a Taxi Driver

I love to travel! Last spring, I found myself on a plane headed for the Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport. I was on my way to attend a conference in beautiful Rockwall, Texas. After an uneventful flight, I took my bags, headed for the exit and asked the airport security where the designated space for […]