The Difference Between Doctor Compassion Fatigue & Burnout

A Doctor Dealing With Burnout

Both compassion fatigue and burnout have been major problems in the medical community for some time, and the pandemic only exacerbated this issue. These terms are often used in association with each other but not often defined in contrast to one another. What exactly is the difference between physician compassion fatigue and burnout? Are they […]

Concierge Doctor Guide: Definition, Career Path, and Salary

A Concierge Doctor

In a recent post, I talked about five of the top reasons that doctors quit their jobs, including desiring a better work/life balance, feeling overburdened by administrative tasks, and not feeling supported by their administration. These outcomes can be very disheartening for physicians who otherwise feel called to help people and wish to stay involved […]

Doctor FAQ: How Do I Know When to Leave Medicine?

A Doctor Considering Leaving Medicine

There’s been a lot of discussion recently about the epidemic of physician burnout. Doctors face countless challenges and frustrations during their careers, and many individuals are questioning whether they want to stay in the field of medicine. At the same time, making a major career change is an enormous decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. […]

[Guide] How to Become a Medical Malpractice Expert Witness

A Medical Malpractice Expert Witness

Most physicians already have all of the knowledge, education, training, and experience practicing in the field to become medical malpractice expert witnesses in cases that touch upon their area of expertise. However, the same set of skills that makes you an incredible doctor aren’t the same ones that are necessary for entrepreneurial success, so taking […]

Why Microsurgery is an Appealing Alternative Career Path for Doctors

A Team of Microsurgeons

If you’re a doctor looking for an alternative career path, the range of options can feel pretty overwhelming. Should you teach? Get a career in pharma? Throw in your stethoscope and open a bakery? Choosing a new career isn’t a decision to take lightly– it’s important to do some soul-searching and determine what it is […]

12 of The Best Sites to Find Consulting Work as a Physician

A Physician Performing Consulting Work

As a physician, you can expand your career and earn extra income through consulting work. However, with so many options available, figuring out where to start can take time.  To make it easier for you, I’ve compiled a list of the top 12 sites to help you find lucrative consulting work as a physician in […]

FAQ: Should Doctors Get Pre-Nuptials and Post-Nuptials?

Getting a Prenuptial Agreement

Divorce rates in the United States are high, with approximately 39% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce. For physicians, the rates are even higher, with one study indicating that 24% of female and 33% of male physicians reported being divorced.  The demanding and often stressful nature of the medical profession, combined with long working […]

FAQ: What’s The Best Way to Ask For a Raise as a Doctor?

A Doctor Asking For a Raise

Before we dive into the best way for doctors to ask for a raise, I wanted to check the findings of the authoritative Medscape Physician Compensation Report of 2023. The subheading of the report is “Your Income vs. Your Peers,” which seemed like just the information I was looking for. Two of the three trends […]

Healthcare Economist: What Is It and How to Become One

Becoming a Healthcare Economist

In a New York Times article entitled “The Health System We’d Have if Economists Ran Things,” nearly 200 Ph.D. health economists were surveyed to find out what they thought of the idea. Presented at the American Society of Health Economists conference in the summer of 2019, surprisingly, many of those surveyed reported ” a few […]

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Private Medical Practice

A Physician Selling a Private Practice

As of last year, less than half (46%) of all medical practices are currently operated as private practices. Since the beginning of January 2019, over 108,000 physicians have left these types of practices to work in other healthcare settings. This may well be due, in part, to longer work hours and less EHR satisfaction in […]