Ep #333: Using Testimonials to Create 6-Figure Paydays
Think back to the last purchase you made on Amazon. Whether you were looking to buy a little ring light or a big new desk, I bet you took a peek at the item’s rating and reviews. We LOVE to know what real-life people think of the things we’re looking to purchase! So why not […]
Ep #332: Thoughts on Trial: “I don’t have time to work on my business.”
In this podcast episode, I’m putting a common thought on trial: “I don’t have time to work on my business.” Have you had this thought before? I’d venture to guess most physician entrepreneurs have! Let’s examine that thought because it’s important to pay attention to our thoughts and decide whether to continue with them or […]
Ep #331: 3 Ways You Frustrate Your Team
The truth is, if your team is not doing well, it’s the coach’s fault. That means you, boss! And no, I’m not saying every single thing is your fault as the leader of your business, but I want to outline 3 ways you might be contributing to the frustration—and how you can fix it! First, […]
Ep #330: The Price for Continual Business Growth
Building a business is a cycle. You don’t “arrive.” You will see explosive growth and might think you’ve arrived, but that is followed resetting the vision and a new season of growth like you haven’t seen, impact like you haven’t seen, and revenue like you haven’t seen. It’s critical to embrace this cycle—don’t stop! When […]
Ep #329: Stop Working for Free
In this episode of The EntreMD Podcast, we’re going to UNLEARN rather than learn. Physicians are service-oriented by nature. But we MUST unlearn the concept of serving for free. And this is not so we can live a lavish lifestyle but because earning is critical to keeping our businesses open! So if you’re connecting the […]
Ep #328: Navigating the Storms of Business
You will experience storms as you build your business. When you find yourself in the middle of one, make sure you hang on tight to your vision. Don’t let it go in the storm. You will weather the storm and get back to working toward your vision—as long as you don’t lose sight of it. […]
Ep #327: Are Your Habits Building Up Your Business or Tearing It Down?
Physicians have what it takes to be the BEST entrepreneurs. Why? Because we have staying power. We have the ability to stick with something over time to accomplish a greater goal. For many of us, it took a whole decade to become a physician. We took the time necessary to build those muscles little by […]
Ep #326: 10 Things I Do to Create Transformational Events
Whether you’re a coach, private practice owner, or some other type of entrepreneur, events are so powerful and have so much opportunity. I just held an in-person retreat for EntreMD Business School students, but I’ve held events with bouncy houses for my pediatrics practice, too! Don’t forget that we are the doctors building the most […]
Ep #325: The Habit That Will Consistently Create Quantum Leaps in Your Business
The law of gravity is that everything that goes up must come down. When you start making breakthroughs in your business, there will be a gravitational pull to get you back to where you used to be. When this happens, think about airplanes. They stay up even though gravity pulls down. How? Airplanes engage another […]
Ep #324: Top 5 Lessons I Learned from the EBS Mastermind
Who knew two days could have such transformative power?! Two days was the length of the recent EntreMD Business School Mastermind I held in Atlanta, and WOW! What a two days it was! I jotted down 5 lessons I learned and cannot wait to share them with you here. First of all, what you already […]