
Ep #111: 5 Things That Stop You from Starting a Podcast, Blog, or YouTube Channel

I recently made an episode for you guys about the seven things you must do before you start a podcast, blog, or vlog. If you’re having some difficulty implementing those things, there are some simple reasons why, and I’m laying those out in today’s episode so you can identify what’s stopping you from sharing your […]

Ep #109: 7 Things You Must Do Before You Start a Podcast, Vlog or Blog

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] I absolutely love talking about how doctors can get their message out there to the world. So whether you’re thinking about starting a podcast, a blog, or a YouTube channel, or you want to revamp an existing project, this episode is for you. We physicians have so much to share with the world, […]

Ep# 108: How To Deal With The Regret of Wasted Time

People often get to a point in life where they think about where they are or what they have done. Some fall into a place of regret, thinking about what they did not do or what they did not accomplish… They feel like time has been wasted. This can cause people to be stagnant or […]

Ep #107: 5 Distractions Every Entrepreneur Should Avoid

I was sitting and thinking the other day about the things that we chase as entrepreneurs that aren’t really serving what we came here to do. And when I realized I had thought of five of these things, I knew that I had to share them with all of you, so that’s what we’re doing […]

Ep #105: The 7 Biggest Lies Doctors Have Been Sold

I’ve always found it interesting how, as doctors, we have been sold a pack of lies about our abilities and potential as entrepreneurs. So this week, I’m showing you the seven biggest lies we physicians have been fed, and I’m using the evidence you already have in your life to show you why literally none […]

Ep #104: How To Convert Your Idea Into A Course with Jessica Terzakis

In this episode you will learn the value of the knowledge you already have. There are things in your head that someone else needs to solve their problem. You make think it is common sense or easy to learn, but there is someone out there right now searching google wishing they had the shortcut that […]

Ep #103: The Most Dangerous Thing About Success

You guys know I like to share my thoughts on the podcast, and I had a sneaky one recently that really moved me: the danger of success. Now, it might not be in the way you expect, but success can be dangerous, and if we don’t take it in stride, it can really set us […]

Ep #101: 2 Ways to Make Money as a Speaker

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]The idea for this podcast came when I was booking speakers for an event I was hosting. This speaker wanted $3000 per hour as a speaker fee. Now, that’s not an unreasonable cost for a decent keynote speaker. But that’s not how we were doing things at this event. […]

Ep #99: Why You Should Use Facebook Lives as a Growth Strategy

As an introvert, the mere notion of putting my face on the internet via video was absolutely horrifying to me. That’s why I put it off for two years, humming and hawing about whether I should do it or not, until I finally bit the bullet. And I can tell you right now, the results […]

Ep #97: Why You Should Use Podcasting as a Growth Strategy Even if You Don’t Have a Podcast

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]In the early days of my business, I was doing a little market research about the best ways to reach out and find my people. And an overwhelming majority of the folks I asked told me that the way they preferred to consume information was through listening to podcasts. […]