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The EntreMD Podcast

Think about the things you find yourself saying to your patients or clients. Do you ever tell them to take all the time they need? How about assuring them they can call anytime?

I get it; you want to be always available to everyone for as long as they need because you’re a physician with a service-first orientation to the world.

But in actuality, you’re just lying to your patients and yourself when you say things like that.

You simply *can’t* be available all the time for any amount of time—even if only 10% of your panel take you up on it. It’s just not sustainable.

And when you set up your business in a way that’s not sustainable, it inevitably leads to the opposite—rather than serving, you’re headed toward shutting down one way or another.

Keep your sanity AND keep your doors open by building clear boundaries that allow you to feasibly do your best work for those you serve. It’s really a win-win because your people are getting the best you, and you’re fulfilled knowing you’re giving the best you.

Don’t miss today’s podcast episode for 5 things you can do to stop the lies. 

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