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Ep #306: The Life-Altering Decision I Made on My 44th Birthday

Birthdays have a way of making us reflect, don’t they? But on my birthday last week, I found myself looking AHEAD. Way ahead. I was thinking about what I can be doing now that will get me to where I want to be when I’m 90. It seems so far away, but the things I […]

Ep #305: The 4 Things That Stop Doctors from Crossing $100K in Revenue

I’m going to give you a little pep talk. I’d like to start by saying … YOU HAVE UNMATCHED VALUE. Your ideas, your business, your service—it’s all valuable and it’s exactly what this world needs. Someone (lots of someones, in fact) are looking for someone just like you, at this very moment, selling exactly what […]

What Are Expert Medical Witnesses and How to Become One

An Expert Medical Witness

Expert medical witnesses have become an important part of the judicial system as they give evidence to help courts make decisions. They help judges and juries understand the evidence that’s presented in cases clearly and concisely. An expert medical witness is someone with a specialized understanding of the medical field. They are often called upon […]

Ep #304: 3 Ways Private Practices Can Increase Their Profit Margin

Whether you have plans to sell your business or not, you want to build a sellable business. Why? Because a business that is easy to sell is a business that is desirable to keep. You win either way. But how do you up the sellability of your private practice business? Increase the profit margin. The first way […]

Ep #303: How I Grew My Podcast to 400,000 Downloads in Three Years

We physicians are treasure troves of content. The moment you recognize this is the moment you realize you CAN provide valuable content on a regular schedule—and promote it proudly as your followers grow. And that, in a sentence, is how I achieved 400k podcast downloads in 3 years. In today’s EntreMD Podcast episode, “How I […]

What Kind of Salary Can a Nurse Make With a Bachelor’s Degree?

A Pair of Nurses

Hot off the press, Nurse.com weighs in on The Nursing Shortage: Looking Ahead to 2023. The article starts on a positive note by citing that “statistics show the nursing shortage is still a crisis, but 2023 could be a turning point.”  But before we all exhale with relief, the same article warns that almost 30% […]

Ep #302: How to 10X Your Investment On Any Business Conference You Attend

Have you ever wondered if the cost of conferences is worth it? There’s the financial investment, of course, but there’s also opportunity cost of being away from your family, being away from work, having to travel, etc. What if I told you how to 10x the ROI so it’s more than worth it to attend? […]

Ep #301: The #1 Lesson I Learned from Recording 300 Episodes of the EntreMD Podcast

This weekend, I took some time to reflect on the fact that I have recorded 300 podcast episodes of the EntreMD podcast.   The stats are mind blowing.  Top 1% podcast globally.  423,000 downloads.  120 countries.  Countless lives changed. Before I go on, I want to say thank you for listening and subscribing and sharing […]

Fully Booked Doctors: What To Do When You’re Too Busy

A Fully Booked Doctor

Physician Leadership recently asked, “How many patients can a primary care physician treat?” According to their findings: “Not as many as required — but delegation can lessen the workload.” As of 2019, the average primary physician may treat 2,500 — or more — patients. They also share criteria used by Duke University’s studies that to […]