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Ep #215: 4 Investments Every Entrepreneur Must Make

There are four investments that everyone who is an entrepreneur must consider making. Now, I’m not talking about real estate or stocks, but the things I’m discussing today matter even more than any financial investment you could possibly imagine. Being an entrepreneur is risky. I speak to so many people who are worried about losing […]

How Many Hours Does The Average Doctor Work Each Week?

The notion of the “self-sacrificing physician” is so common it’s almost a cliche. We all heard about it in medical school, and the general public talked admiringly about it. Unfortunately, working long hours is the rule for most doctors rather than the exception. In June of 2021, Medical Economics presented the 92nd Physician Report. This […]

Ep #213: The Pathway to Greatness

There are some podcast episodes I release that I just know you are going to come back to time and time again. And this is one of those episodes. What I’m sharing is so simple and yet so tremendously impactful that it will change your life and business for decades to come. On my pathway […]

How Doctors Can Pivot to a Wellness Coach Career

What is a wellness coach? Since the late 1990s, “Health and Wellness Coaching” began as both a model and approach to address health patients’ well-being, wellness, and life goals. Most commonly, health and wellness coaches work with patients to help them become healthy or overcome health issues, even (or especially) if they have chronic medical […]

Ep #211: How to Create a Profitable To-Do List

When I ask my clients inside EntreMD Business School how they plan their to-do lists in their businesses, the answers I hear vary quite a bit. The most common answers I receive range from updating and beautifying their websites or learning how to post on social media, to moving their office space, or trying to […]

6 Ways That Doctors Find Time to Start a Business

I remember when I first started dreaming about the business idea that would turn into EntreMD. I had the feeling, “I know there is more.” More to the way I was practicing medicine and more to the quality of life I was experiencing. As I tapped into the growing passion I had for something more, […]

Ep #209: Stress is Optional

Have you ever had that experience of being completely stressed out about your day before it’s even started? You go to bed worrying about everything that’s on your schedule for tomorrow, ruminating about how packed your day is going to be, or how you simply won’t have time to get it all done, and to […]

10 Tips to Build a Client Base With a Private Practice 

Starting your own medical practice is an exciting (and nerve-wracking!) way to take the reins of your medical education and previous healthcare work into your own hands. However, it does come with risk and upfront expenses, which is why the rush towards consolidation within the healthcare community continues to grow. Becker’s Hospital Review revealed that […]

How to Set Goals For Doctors and Medical Practitioners 

Diving into this week’s blog topic of goal setting quickly showed me that there is no shortage of advice online for why to set goals, how to set goals, and tips on how to be successful. My favorite tip and one that I thread throughout my work in EntreMD is, “Work smarter, not harder.” With […]