
Ep #410: How to Grow a 7-Figure Medical Practice in 4 Simple Steps (Tried & Tested)

Do you want to grow your private practice to 7-figures?  Then you’re in the right place!  I’ve helped numerous clients crush their first million in revenue, and although no two practices are the same, over the years, I’ve found some common threads between them! Today, I’ll share the common threads I’ve identified in this comprehensive […]

Ep #409: How Physician Entrepreneurs Can Solve the Healthcare Crisis

The recent closure of 50 clinics in Florida displaced at the very least 50 thousand patients. Now, imagine if this had happened in several states. Add one more zero, and you have half a million patients without access to primary care.  I know that the easiest thing to do is to look the other way […]

Ep #405: How to Stand Out When New Competitors Show Up

Facing a sea of competition can be intimidating, but what if you had the insider know-how to not just survive, but truly stand out? Our latest episode is a gold mine for anyone in the business of medicine, from seasoned practitioners to entrepreneurial novices. We dive into the power of a positive mindset, the magic […]

Ep #404: Innovative Strategies for Attracting Top Talent for Your Company

Unlock the secrets to a thriving business by learning how to magnetize the perfect candidates to your team. Today, we’re peeling back the curtain on the art of recruitment, focusing on the personal and professional aspirations of potential employees and how that alignment can revolutionize your hiring strategy. Discover how to make your company irresistible […]

Ep #403: Why Entrepreneurs Get Stuck After Crossing $1M in revenue

Embark with me on a transformative journey through the lifeblood of entrepreneurship—growth, pitfalls, and the exhilarating climb to success. Picture this: my own venture, Entremity, started from humble beginnings, accelerating past the $260,000 revenue landmark by embracing the collective wisdom of group coaching. But it’s not all smooth sailing. We’re tackling the tough stuff too—burnout, […]

Ep #402: Mastering the Art of Influence and Relationship-Building with Influential People

When Exercise Guru’s review hit my inbox, it wasn’t just praise that warmed my heart—it was a mirror reflecting my own evolution from fledgling dreamer to seasoned entrepreneur. That’s the power of our community: every shared story, every review, it propels us forward. In the latest episode, I’ll take you through the epiphanies sparked by […]