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Ep #288: Two Kinds of Feedback to Ignore

Feedback is a funny thing. You need it, but you also need to ignore it. Here’s what I mean: To grow and build a really successful business that continues to serve your patients or clients and continues to grow and innovate, you’ll need to ask for feedback as part of your regular system checks. You’ll […]

Ep #287: What to Do When You Are Doing Everything But Not Getting Clients

If you’re feeling like you’re doing everything you’re supposed to be doing but still not getting clients, it’s time to do a good, honest audit of your business assets. An audit is a time to be brutally honest with yourself—without beating yourself up. And rather than approaching your audit with a “what am I doing […]

Ep #286: The #1 Focus on Your Way to Your First $1M

I cannot wait for you to see the version of yourself that emerges on the other side of the “problems” created when your business zips past $100k, $250k, $1M! After the EntreMD Business School had been operating for about two years, we had a number of students who had crossed the million-dollar mark. And yes, […]

Ep #285: 5 Ways to Strategically Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

EntreMD with Dr. Una | 5 Ways to Strategically Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

Social media is one of those things that entrepreneurs often want to avoid, especially physician entrepreneurs. However, social media is an amazing way to grow your business. So many docs are private people who resist the idea of putting themselves out there, but the truth is, your business persona can still dominate social media while […]

Ep #279: How to Take Control of Your Day

How do you think about the day ahead when you wake up? Are you defensive; frightened of all the things that could go wrong? Or are you offensive; taking charge of everything that lies ahead? As humans, we are not designed to just let our lives happen to us. We have the opportunity to determine […]

Ep #277: Top Reasons for Discouragement in Business and How to Overcome Them

EntreMD with Dr. Una | Top Reasons for Discouragement in Business and How to Overcome Them

No matter how great we are at business strategy, tactics, building teams, and all that important stuff, discouraging times will come. But one thing that will ensure you’re successful as an entrepreneur is your ability to navigate the challenges that could cause you to lose focus, enthusiasm, and belief in your business. Today, we’re talking […]

Ep #275: Darker Days for Physicians Are Coming

EntreMD with Dr. Una | Darker Days for Physicians Are Coming

I am usually the most positive and optimistic person in the room. However, I have a warning for the physician community that you need to hear. I pray that you lean in, listen, and share this message with the doctors in your life because it’s serious: There are darker days ahead for physicians. Way back […]

Ep #273: 5 Ways to Increase Your Visibility So You Can Attract All the Clients You Want

EntreMD with Dr. Una | 5 Ways to Increase Your Visibility So You Can Attract All the Clients You Want

Visibility is one of those topics that is often misunderstood. No matter how many clients you have, if you aren’t putting yourself in front of new people and potential clients, your business will begin to decline. This applies whether you’re established or you’re just starting out: your business will never outgrow visibility. The biggest problem […]