
Ep #313: From Burnout to Building Dreams with Dr. Brittany Panico

Imagine having the tools needed to realize and reach dreams. Dr. Brittany Panico went from burnout to building her vision of a private practice after the education and support of EntreMD Business School. Dr. Panico learned that by surrounding herself with people who shared similar vision, who shared similar goals, she could capitalize on her […]

Ep #312: What happened to you, Doc?

I’m here today to shake the entire physician community!! There is another way! I’m seeing doctors feeling crippled. Intimidated by insurance. Under the thumb of administration. Ready to throw away their goals, their dreams. This has to stop! We physicians are a community of the greatest humans, most capable businesspeople, most brilliant and brightest. Do […]

Ep #311: Why Physician-Owned Businesses Fail

I have good news for you today. You might be aware that physician-owned businesses fail more often than not. (That’s not the good news.) The good news is that the ones that survive the inevitable economic downturns and other adversity all have the same overarching strategy, and I have studied it up and down. In […]

Ep #309: Becoming a GOAT

The first step to becoming the best YOU that you can be is painting the picture of your dream life. Do you dream of a 7-figure business? Don’t let yourself go to a picture of failing at that dream. Will you be diligent enough to listen to those podcast episodes, read the books, find the […]

Ep #308: Social Media Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

Social media has POWER. It has the power to skyrocket your business—even without paid advertising. In fact, I pledged to not use paid ads until EntreMD hit $1 million in revenue just to demonstrate the power of organic marketing through social media. That’s the GOOD power of social media. It can be not so good, […]

Ep #307: Million-Dollar Physician Entrepreneurs and Their Secrets to Success

I am a lifelong learner and always studying something. Most recently it’s been the success of the Scale tier of my EntreMD Business School. Scale is the EBS branch for high earners—those seeing multiple six figures and seven figures in revenue. I started to notice themes and commonalities that give away the secrets to their […]

Ep #306: The Life-Altering Decision I Made on My 44th Birthday

Birthdays have a way of making us reflect, don’t they? But on my birthday last week, I found myself looking AHEAD. Way ahead. I was thinking about what I can be doing now that will get me to where I want to be when I’m 90. It seems so far away, but the things I […]

Ep #305: The 4 Things That Stop Doctors from Crossing $100K in Revenue

I’m going to give you a little pep talk. I’d like to start by saying … YOU HAVE UNMATCHED VALUE. Your ideas, your business, your service—it’s all valuable and it’s exactly what this world needs. Someone (lots of someones, in fact) are looking for someone just like you, at this very moment, selling exactly what […]

Ep #304: 3 Ways Private Practices Can Increase Their Profit Margin

Whether you have plans to sell your business or not, you want to build a sellable business. Why? Because a business that is easy to sell is a business that is desirable to keep. You win either way. But how do you up the sellability of your private practice business? Increase the profit margin. The first way […]