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Ep #326: 10 Things I Do to Create Transformational Events

Whether you’re a coach, private practice owner, or some other type of entrepreneur, events are so powerful and have so much opportunity.  I just held an in-person retreat for EntreMD Business School students, but I’ve held events with bouncy houses for my pediatrics practice, too! Don’t forget that we are the doctors building the most […]

Ep #325: The Habit That Will Consistently Create Quantum Leaps in Your Business

The law of gravity is that everything that goes up must come down. When you start making breakthroughs in your business, there will be a gravitational pull to get you back to where you used to be. When this happens, think about airplanes. They stay up even though gravity pulls down. How? Airplanes engage another […]

FAQ: What’s The Best Way to Ask For a Raise as a Doctor?

A Doctor Asking For a Raise

Before we dive into the best way for doctors to ask for a raise, I wanted to check the findings of the authoritative Medscape Physician Compensation Report of 2023. The subheading of the report is “Your Income vs. Your Peers,” which seemed like just the information I was looking for. Two of the three trends […]

Ep #324: Top 5 Lessons I Learned from the EBS Mastermind

Who knew two days could have such transformative power?! Two days was the length of the recent EntreMD Business School Mastermind I held in Atlanta, and WOW! What a two days it was! I jotted down 5 lessons I learned and cannot wait to share them with you here. First of all, what you already […]

Ep #323: The EntreMD Business School 5.0

I am not an advocate for physicians leaving medicine. What I am is an advocate for physicians practicing medicine on their terms, which might look like owning a private practice or individual weight loss coaching or courses for physician financials. I want you to do what you want to do, doctors! Whatever you do, you […]

Healthcare Economist: What Is It and How to Become One

Becoming a Healthcare Economist

In a New York Times article entitled “The Health System We’d Have if Economists Ran Things,” nearly 200 Ph.D. health economists were surveyed to find out what they thought of the idea. Presented at the American Society of Health Economists conference in the summer of 2019, surprisingly, many of those surveyed reported ” a few […]

Ep #322: Stop Lying to Your Clients

Think about the things you find yourself saying to your patients or clients. Do you ever tell them to take all the time they need? How about assuring them they can call anytime? I get it; you want to be always available to everyone for as long as they need because you’re a physician with […]

Ep #321: How to Create Massive Wins While Working Less

You worked so hard in your high school years to get into a great pre-med program. You got in; you arrived. Then you worked so hard in pre-med to get into a great med school. You got in; you arrived. This pattern happened throughout school, residency, fellowship, etc. But now it’s different. As a physician […]

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Private Medical Practice

A Physician Selling a Private Practice

As of last year, less than half (46%) of all medical practices are currently operated as private practices. Since the beginning of January 2019, over 108,000 physicians have left these types of practices to work in other healthcare settings. This may well be due, in part, to longer work hours and less EHR satisfaction in […]

Ep #320: The #1 Thing Stopping You from Building a Dream Team

Want to know what makes it easier to hire your dream team? Changing the way you see yourself. Start imagining yourself as the CEO who deserves the best (because you are, and you do!). Running through scenarios in your mind makes it SO MUCH easier when it comes to nerves and negotiation and everything related […]