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The Pros and Cons of Paid Product Endorsements for Doctors

A Doctor Endorsing Products

Paid product endorsements involve a brand or company paying an individual, typically a celebrity or influencer, to promote their product or service. The endorser is typically compensated with a fee, ranging from a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars, depending on their level of fame and influence. The specifics of how paid product endorsements […]

Ep #312: What happened to you, Doc?

I’m here today to shake the entire physician community!! There is another way! I’m seeing doctors feeling crippled. Intimidated by insurance. Under the thumb of administration. Ready to throw away their goals, their dreams. This has to stop! We physicians are a community of the greatest humans, most capable businesspeople, most brilliant and brightest. Do […]

Ep #311: Why Physician-Owned Businesses Fail

I have good news for you today. You might be aware that physician-owned businesses fail more often than not. (That’s not the good news.) The good news is that the ones that survive the inevitable economic downturns and other adversity all have the same overarching strategy, and I have studied it up and down. In […]

Career Satisfaction: Which Doctors Enjoy Their Jobs The Most?

A Happy and Successful Physician

I’ve recently become curious about career satisfaction within the healthcare industry. What contributes to happiness for doctors in the States, and which doctors currently enjoy their jobs the most?  It’s all too painfully clear that many doctors report high levels of burnout, feelings of anger and/or anxiety, and even depression so severe it leads to […]

Ep #309: Becoming a GOAT

The first step to becoming the best YOU that you can be is painting the picture of your dream life. Do you dream of a 7-figure business? Don’t let yourself go to a picture of failing at that dream. Will you be diligent enough to listen to those podcast episodes, read the books, find the […]

Doctor Loan Programs: Who Qualifies and How to Apply

A Doctor Receiving a Loan

There are loan programs explicitly designed with doctors in mind. Called a “physician loan” or “doctor mortgage loan,” these programs are intended for medical professionals and usually don’t require a down payment. Regular mortgage loans require a down payment, and if borrowers can’t make a down payment above 20%, they’ll need to also pay for […]

Ep #308: Social Media Boundaries for Entrepreneurs

Social media has POWER. It has the power to skyrocket your business—even without paid advertising. In fact, I pledged to not use paid ads until EntreMD hit $1 million in revenue just to demonstrate the power of organic marketing through social media. That’s the GOOD power of social media. It can be not so good, […]

Ep #307: Million-Dollar Physician Entrepreneurs and Their Secrets to Success

I am a lifelong learner and always studying something. Most recently it’s been the success of the Scale tier of my EntreMD Business School. Scale is the EBS branch for high earners—those seeing multiple six figures and seven figures in revenue. I started to notice themes and commonalities that give away the secrets to their […]

[Guide] The Importance of Disability Insurance for Physicians

A Physician Applying For Disability Insurance

In today’s medical practices, overhead is somewhere between a staggering 60% and 70%. Overhead has “increased substantially…with reimbursements dropping, malpractice costs rising and salaries for employees increasing.” Most physicians find themselves launched into the “business management” role of their practice without the benefit of any training about the business side of healthcare. I imagine the […]