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Ep #156 The Art Of Becoming A Great Speaker

I love studying successful people; I listen to them and admire their talent to speak and communicate with their audience. And I thought, “I need to up-level my ability to speak. I need to up-level my ability to communicate my message. I need to up-level my ability to turn my message into a movement.” In […]

Ep #155: Are High-Ticket Coaching Programs a Scam?

It’s not infrequent that I’ll be on Facebook and someone will ask me about a coaching program. Then suddenly, a bunch of people come crawling out of the woodwork talking about how coaching is a scam, it’s just some kind of MLM thing. And they truly believe in what they’re saying, and more so if […]

Ep #154 Three Ways To Get The Most Out of Attending A Conference

Attending conferences can be one of the best things you can do for your business. However, attending conferences can be an expense or an investment, depending on how you approach it. In this episode of the EntreMD Podcast, I’ll share how I found ways to make the most out of attending conferences and how to use them and approach conferences as an investment that will help you create massive success in your business. 

Ep #153: The #1 Reason Coaches Are Not Confident

So many coaches struggle to make money back because they lack confidence in themselves and their abilities. They think they can’t possibly charge for their services because, well, who’s going to pay for that? They feel like imposters, especially when they’re just starting their practice. And if this sounds like a familiar story, which I’m […]

Ep #151: The Reason Coaches Don’t Make Money

I get so many coaches, especially newer coaches, asking me questions about how to find clients and what they can do to make more money. So in this week’s episode, I’m going to address these things directly by showing you why some coaches don’t make money and struggle to find the people they want to […]

Ep #149: How to Train Your Eyes to See Money

One of the secrets to being a successful entrepreneur is seeing all of the different ways available that you can add revenue to your business. And the more verticals you can add to your business model, the more of an impact you can make. So, in this episode, I’m showing you how to train your […]

Ep #147: How to Identify Opportunities in the Midst of a Crisis

We all thought we were pivoting in 2020, but now that 2021 is in full swing, we are pivoting by default just to survive. Our medical practices are experiencing staff shortages, and this phenomenon isn’t specific either to healthcare or even just the USA. And while there are many reasons for it, this is still […]

Ep #145: Seven Ways To Be a Great Podcast Guest

I talk a lot about getting your message out there, and going on other people’s podcasts is a great way to do this. But there are some things you can do to maximize your experience as a podcast guest, and I’m showing you what these are today. Whenever you show up on a stage, your […]

Ep #143: Entrepreneurship for Parents of Young Children

I got such an interesting question in the EntreMD Facebook group recently and I knew I had to make an episode about it. Someone was asking about whether it’s the right time for them to start a business, given that they have young kids at home. So I’m taking this week to discuss entrepreneurship for […]

Ep #141: How to Use the Power of Gratitude to Grow Your Business

Just recently, I set myself a challenge to sit down and come up with 10 wins from the previous week. Now, this was a fairly normal week. Nothing spectacular happened. But when I sat down to try and come up with a few small wins, I just kept going and going, and it turns out […]