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You are not on vacation

It isn’t often that I rant. That said, now and then everyone encounters something that can only be addressed with a good old fashioned rant, and that’s what is happening today.  It all started with a conversation I had with a friend who also happens to be an entrepreneur. Naturally, since we are currently in […]

You’re not there yet

I remember graduating from residency in 2008. I was finally done! I had paid the price for over a decade and didn’t have to study intensely anymore FOREVER. I gave high school my all to make into a great medical school. I gave medical school my absolute best shot so I could get into a […]

Think you can’t be an entrepreneur? Think again!

One of the reasons a lot of doctors I talk to do not want to start businesses is because they are insecure. ‘I don’t have any experience in business.’ ‘I don’t have an MBA.’ I can’t do what that entrepreneur over there is doing.’ I don’t know where I will find the time.’ What if […]

3 ways to attend conferences like a boss

I’m at a conference and like many of you, I would usually ask myself,  “What is the best use of my time here? How do I get the most out of this conference?  I left my family at home, paid for the conference registration, plane tickets and a hotel room. How do I get the […]

Your dreams are valid

I remember starting my practice nine years ago. I was filled with feelings of inadequacy.  I felt others could own thriving practices and I couldn’t. I felt others had what it took but I didn’t. I felt the dreams of others were valid but mine wasn’t!  That practice, Ivy League Pediatrics has gone on to […]

When it hurts to be an entrepreneur

Starting my medical practice was one of the most exciting and most nerve racking time of my life. It was exciting because I was doing something that I did not realize was possible for me. I was building a state-of-the-art pediatric practice that was profitable. It was nerve racking because with entrepreneurship comes a lot […]

My best April Fool’s Day ever

On April Fool’s Day eleven years ago, I had the most memorable experience. It was so amazing that two days later, I sat down to write about it. Here it is. From 04/03/2008 – The story of Cheta We are very excited about the arrival of our daughter Chetachukwu and we know that you are happy […]

What Every Doctor Should Learn from a Taxi Driver

I love to travel! Last spring, I found myself on a plane headed for the Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport. I was on my way to attend a conference in beautiful Rockwall, Texas. After an uneventful flight, I took my bags, headed for the exit and asked the airport security where the designated space for […]

Doctors Complicate Things When They Don’t Work for Themselves

Dr. Edwin had finally had it! He started off at his dream job as a Family Medicine physician a year ago and it was everything he wanted. He was one of five physicians, saw about 28 patients a day, had a scribe, left at 5 pm and was able to spend quality time with his […]

Perfection is Not Required

I remember June 20th, 2010 like it was yesterday. In the months preceding that day, overwhelm had become my new normal. I had so many hats to wear and it did not seem like I was succeeding in any of my roles. I was a wife, mother of tow children ages 2 years and 7 […]