
Ep: 443: Revenue Boost Series:10X your visibility

Let’s face it… Being great at what you do isn’t enough to succeed in business.  I see it all the time: brilliant, hard-working physician entrepreneurs who struggle to grow simply because they lack visibility. You could be the most skilled physician around, but if people don’t know about you, it won’t make a difference. Luckily, […]

Ep: 442: Revenue Boost Series: Why you are ashamed of selling

Are you ashamed of selling or promoting your services? You’re not alone. As a doctor, I used to feel the same way. It felt unprofessional and manipulative.  But one day, I realized something that changed everything: selling isn’t about me. It’s about the people I’m here to serve. I was letting my discomfort keep me […]

Ep: 441: Revenue Boost Series – How to reverse engineer your revenue goals

Feel like your private practice isn’t reaching its full potential? Most people stop at just setting goals, but that’s not enough. In this episode, I’ll show you how to reverse engineer your private practice revenue goals and map out the actionable steps needed to hit them. We’ll break down the process so you can stop […]

Ep: 440: 5 Proven Strategies to Make This Your Most Profitable Year Yet 

Have you ever looked at successful physician entrepreneurs and wondered what their secret is? Well, today’s your lucky day because I’m about to share those secrets with you! In this episode of EntreMD, I break down 5 proven strategies used by the most successful physician entrepreneurs to build thriving businesses, hit their biggest revenue years, […]

Ep: 438: Host Profitable Events for Your Private Practice with These Proven Tips

We live in an attention economy.  It doesn’t matter how good your private practice is if no one knows about it! That’s why you do not have the luxury of avoiding marketing if you want your private practice to succeed.  One of my favorite marketing strategies is hosting events. Events will get you more attention, […]

Ep: 437: Why I Homeschool My 4 Kids as a Successful Entrepreneur

What would make somebody who runs multiple businesses, hosts multiple podcasts, writes multiple books a year, and runs a whole business school homeschool their kids? In this episode of EntreMD, I’ll talk about why I chose to homeschool my four children, our homeschooling strategy, and the incredible benefits I’ve witnessed in my kids.  Remember: the […]

Ep: 436: 7 Uncomfortable Things You Need to Do to Grow as a Physician Entrepreneur

There’s no getting around it – growth is uncomfortable.  But I can tell you firsthand that once you realize this and embrace that discomfort, you start making quantum leaps in your personal and business growth. That’s why in this episode of EntreMD, I share 7 uncomfortable but necessary actions you need to start taking now […]

Ep #434: 5 Steps to Make Your Private Practice 1% Better Every Day

We often think that only big changes can make a difference, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! As any successful physician entrepreneur will tell you, it’s the small changes that build the ultra-successful businesses you see and admire. That’s why today, I will share the 5 steps you need to make your business […]