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Ep #177: Business Is Math

I hear a lot of people say, “I’m going to build my practice my own way.” They believe that each patient deserves their service at a low cost and with a lot of time spent on each appointment. Now, while I agree that these things would be ideal, the truth is that we need to […]

Ep #175: How to Get The Most Out of The Books You Read

One question I’ve been asking myself as I homeschool my older kids is, “Am I equipping them to thrive in life?” As someone who’s gone through rigorous medical training and came out not knowing much about business, leadership, and personal development, I’ve made it my goal to give my kids the tools to start right […]

Ep #174 From Endless Research To Launching My Business with Dr. Alicia Shelly

Today, we are featuring another special podcast episode hosted by Dr. Tamara Beckford where she interviews Dr. Alicia Shelly, one of the students in the EntreMD Business School, who shares her experience after listening to Dr. Una and joining the Business School.  Dr. Alicia shares how listening to the EntreMD podcast made her realize that […]

Ep #173: What if it Works?

A lot of times, when we have new projects or we’re implementing new ideas to take our businesses forward, there is this fear: what if it doesn’t work? So today, I’m challenging you to think differently. I want you to ask yourself instead, what if it works? This concept will change your business forever. If […]

Ep #172 How I Created Massive Growth In My Business With Dr. Rashmi Schramm

This is a special podcast episode hosted by Dr. Tamara Beckford. She interviews Dr. Rashmi Schramm who shares her experience in the EntreMD Business School. Dr. Rashmi shares how she experienced exponential growth personally and professionally once she decided to join the Business School. She got the courage to make her business big and understood […]

Ep #171: Facebook Ad Abuse

We need to talk about Facebook Ads, but not in the way you might expect. I came across a doc recently who was asking for advice about how they can use Facebook Ads to promote their business. Nothing unusual about that. But their reason for using them was because, in their words, “I need patients […]

Ep #170 What Really Happens In The EntreMD Business School

In this EntreMD podcast episode, Dr. Una gives you a rundown of the EntreMD Business School and what really happens on the inside. This episode is for anyone who is thinking of enrolling in a business school. This is the episode that will answer most of your questions and help you make an informed decision […]

Ep #169: Your Tribe is Your Secret Superpower

One thing that has really helped my business grow is having a tribe around me. And I’m not talking about just any group of people, but this is a tribe I have built intentionally. So, if this is something you don’t have right now, this episode is going to be a real gamechanger because we’re […]

Ep #168 How to Continually Dream Bigger

A week ago, I went on a road trip with my husband and we went to Gaylord Opryland that had 513 rooms. Made out of rocks. And it was built in 1913. And it was just an amazing place.  And I started to think to myself, what was the creator thinking? Like what made that […]