
Ep #293: How to Defeat the Real Enemy of Your Business

Hate to break it to you, but your own mind is the real enemy of your business.  And that’s actually good news because you can change it.  Our brilliant minds are such incredible, powerful gifts. But left undisciplined, they can work against us.  I’m willing to bet your mind has tricked you into believing that […]

Ep #291: Why Goals Change But Results Remain the Same

In today’s episode, I go over two very simple but very powerful questions to guide you in *actually* accomplishing your goals: Once you get a handle on this, you crush your goals. This is so much more than setting goals like you’ve done for years and years. This is about taking the different actions required […]

Ep #290: How I Built a Panel of 4000 Patients in 18 Months with Dr. Tolu Olabintan

Imagine starting a private practice and being booked full in six weeks. That’s the reality for many EntreMD Business School students, one of whom joined me for an interview on this week’s EntreMD Podcast. Dr. Tolu Olabintan tells us how she reached that fully booked status AND why she’s still reaching. Here’s a little spoiler: […]

Ep #289: How to Build Your Business in a Way That Helps You Create Your Dream Life

Building your dream life starts with your decision to build a business based on serving and earning. It’s just one decision, but it’s a big one. Making this decision means … You’ve decided on the results you want and you’re welcoming the transformation. Take action and build that dream life! Everyone’s dream life looks different, […]

Ep #288: Two Kinds of Feedback to Ignore

Feedback is a funny thing. You need it, but you also need to ignore it. Here’s what I mean: To grow and build a really successful business that continues to serve your patients or clients and continues to grow and innovate, you’ll need to ask for feedback as part of your regular system checks. You’ll […]

Ep #287: What to Do When You Are Doing Everything But Not Getting Clients

If you’re feeling like you’re doing everything you’re supposed to be doing but still not getting clients, it’s time to do a good, honest audit of your business assets. An audit is a time to be brutally honest with yourself—without beating yourself up. And rather than approaching your audit with a “what am I doing […]

Ep #286: The #1 Focus on Your Way to Your First $1M

I cannot wait for you to see the version of yourself that emerges on the other side of the “problems” created when your business zips past $100k, $250k, $1M! After the EntreMD Business School had been operating for about two years, we had a number of students who had crossed the million-dollar mark. And yes, […]

Ep #285: 5 Ways to Strategically Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

EntreMD with Dr. Una | 5 Ways to Strategically Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

Social media is one of those things that entrepreneurs often want to avoid, especially physician entrepreneurs. However, social media is an amazing way to grow your business. So many docs are private people who resist the idea of putting themselves out there, but the truth is, your business persona can still dominate social media while […]